The first question from every analyst who has called me in the last week has been, “How is the meltdown in the credit markets affecting the business jet industry?" So I decided to give myself a refresher course, grabbed my dog-eared copy of the classic Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, the more recent and in my mind classic, When Genius Failed, and sat down for a Sunday of reading. I also ordered Devil Take the Hindmost: A history of Financial Speculation, by Edward Chancellor, the author of the afore-mentioned Post article. I also have calls into some good friends whom I consider the best business jet marketers in the business. I looked through the program guide for the National Business Aircraft Association (NBAA) convention, only a month away, and could not find any seminar on the credit markets. Nevertheless, I will be listening for any tremors while I am at NBAA next month.
Last week I wrote about this industry surviving a perfect storm, and warned of a possible approaching tsunami that would test our industry’s ability to survive an even larger Perfect Storm.
I invite you to read along with me and share your thoughts on these interesting times. Remember as a wise man once said, “In Adversity there arises Opportunity”. My partners and I will be looking for those opportunities.
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